Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Me Book

My book had five story lines. One thing I find incredibly difficult is to keep the thread matched up properly along a time line. I made calendars and penciled different activities at different times and the results was confusing calendars that I never looked at again because it was a confusing mess of five story lines covering pages. And I forget what I wrote the day before, can't keep track of what my characters are doing and why. It is absolutely maddening. I can remember stuff quite well, have always had an excellent memory, but I can't remember my own story.
 So, cure. I have split the five. I will write the story line of each group of characters as individual novellas that intersect at certain points. I also plan on setting myself a word limit for each story. 40,000 words max. Each story must be finished within 40,000 words. Anything over must be edited out. I wonder how this limit will affect my writing. Has anyone else ever done something like this?

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